Get rid of the negative and destructive thoughts and allow the good and positive thoughts in.
In The Success Grower, I write how the mind should be a fertile place for ideas just like the soil is a fertile place for seeds to grow. And to do that, you need to cultivate your mind.
Carol Dweck, Ph.D. in her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”, explains that individuals with a “growth mindset” believe that success comes from practice and hard work. This mindset promotes taking on challenges and adapting to obstacles they face.
So if it’s important to have a “growth mindset”, just how do you get it?
I call it ‘cultivating your mind’. Here are four ways you can incorporate to cultivate your mind:
1. Have an open mind. If you think you have all the information or know all you need to know, you’re not growing. There are differing ideas and concepts, new thought processes, new information is being created every day. As new methods and processes are created, knowledge increases. As knowledge increases, new ideas and insights are revealed. Always be open to new and different information, knowledge and insights.
2. Keep challenging your mind by putting in good stuff. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Think about what you want, see it vividly in your mind, and keep a clear focus on it. At all times say, “I can do it”, “I can”, or “I will”. Hang around people who are encouraging, positive and supportive and let their attitude pump you up.
3. Learn what to leave in and what to take out of your mind. Many of the limiting thoughts you hold in your mind have been there so long you have found some comfort with them. But they may be destroying your will and desire to change and succeed in life. Sometimes, it’s self-limiting beliefs and self-limiting talk. Identify what is causing you to be stagnate in your growth and commit to getting rid of it.
4. Don’t become set in your ways. It’s easy and comfortable – the life you are living right now. It’s become a part of who you are. The question remains, is that who you want to be? Cultivating a growth mindset involves stretching and growing, incorporating new ideas and activity, and taking new action. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” – Henry Ford.
Cultivating a growth mindset is a stretch. As you grow, you will face new challenges in your life, relationships, career, and health. And your new growth will help you face these challenges and adapt to them.
Sometimes, you will find yourself growing apart from friends you’ve always had but you now see them as a negative influence only wanting you to stay the old person you used to be. This isn’t easy but it is part of the growth journey.
Not everyone enjoys the process of growth – the changing of beliefs and the influences in your life.
But in order to have a “growth mindset”, one that is fertile to allow the new ideas and goals to germinate and take root, it takes intentional action.
Growth doesn’t happen on its own.
If you’re not growing, you’ll soon find yourself crusted over.
You may have realized you’re stagnating in your current career or life in general. And you feel you want to make a change but don’t necessarily know how to start.
Go to my website right now: and download the free workbookresource that will take you through the 8 Elements for Achieving Your Goals from my book The Success Grower. If you’d like someone to guide you, let’s talk about which one of my goal setting workshops or coaching options is right for you.