Being nominated for an award is pretty cool in itself. But when it’s a global award for writing and publishing excellence, it’s pretty awesome!
When I began writing my book, The Success Grower, I was just wanting to get it out of my head. I had been carrying it around up there for over eight years.
When I was finally able to hold the first draft of the printed book with it’s final cover, I was overcome with the emotion of accomplishment and joy.
Now, an award nomination.
The Author Academy Awards is an award bestowed for literary merit and publishing excellence in the writing and publishing industry. It’s given annually by Author Academy Elite (AAE) and presented at the Author Academy Awards Ceremony. The various category winners are bestowed a special award, officially called the “Academy Boon of Merit.”
There are sixteen categories that range from non-fiction, self-help and romance, to thriller, religion and historical fiction. Authors from all over the world are eligible to have their books nominated for the awards.
As part of the voting and selection process, there is a public voting period that ends August 1, 2018. If you want to vote for my book, The Success Grower, click HERE and go to the Self-Help section. You’ll find my book listed first in the category. Just click on the image of the book or the description.
Thank you for your support and your vote!