Oh God It’s Monday – OGIM
You roll out of bed on Monday morning. Is this what you say to yourself?
Many people get to the end of the week and say TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday, having spent their week enduring their job and looking forward to the weekend. But then Monday comes and they drudge through the week waiting for TGIF again.
Monday is a more stressful day. Research shows more people have heart attacks on Monday.
Why is returning to work on Monday so stressful? For some it’s the traffic they have to deal with, for others it’s knowing they have a list of problems left over from the last week. Some are facing a week of endless meetings or an overbearing boss. Or maybe it’s just the thought of spending a week in a job with nothing to show for it. So the only thing to look forward to is TGIF.
Are you spending your week just getting through it, looking forward to the weekend and dreading Monday? Have you ever stopped and asked Why?
I’ll ask…Why? Why do you put yourself through it week after week?
Because you’ve got a family to support and bills to pay? Is that really why? You can get a different job or start your own business you’ve always wanted. Just know that instead of achieving your goals, you become a resource to achieve someone else’s.
If you live your life by OGIM and TGIF it’s time to ask yourself why you keep doing it this way. What other ways can you spend your time and make a living or create income?
The answer’s you find might surprise you and possibly even excite you.
I’ve had many discussions with people looking to improve their situation for themselves and their family. Some want to find a better job, some want to get promoted and some want to start their own business. There’s no one answer for everyone, but for everyone there is an answer. It can just take talking it through with another person who can ask the right questions to open up the thinking and looking for the right direction.
If you’re dreading Monday’s and can’t wait until the weekends, it’s time to change your plan.
Click Here to begin the conversation and schedule a consult.