Living in oppression, not being accepted for your beliefs, struggling to make a go of your life, wanting to give up when it gets hard, not sure if you will make it another day much less another year. Hardly signs of a Thanksgiving.
Life’s hard.
It throws it’s full weight against you at times, and there are times it seems everyone else is against you and nothing works.
The first settlers of this country had it hard. They left oppression in their home country, found out the new land is a wilderness and everything seemed to be against them. Many didn’t make it, but the ones who were totally committed and made a decision to make it one more day survived.
They then held a Thanksgiving day…thankful they survived and with hope for the future.
Ask yourself these questions this Thanksgiving:
- Am I struggling to make a go of my life?
- Have I found myself wanting to give up when the going gets hard?
- Do I find myself working hard toward something I want but no one else believes in what I’m doing?
Life’s hard.
It’s the hardest when you have something you’re trying to accomplish that’s big. That’s when every obstacle will find a way to stand in front of you.
So who are you?
Go stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself. Look into your eyes and ask yourself who you really are.
Are you the person who gives up when life gets hard? Or do you set your jaw and make another plan and push forward?
The reason obstacles and challenges come up in life is because you are moving forward. You can’t climb a hill standing at the bottom and looking at it, you have to put one foot in front of the other and climb. It’ll be steep, rocky, slippery, and sometimes smooth climbing. But success only comes when you get through the hard times.
So what’s your Thanksgiving story going to be?
Thankful you quit and gave up on your dreams and resolved to live your life saying “If only”?
Or is your Thanksgiving story going to be one of making it through the tough challenges and coming out on the other side closer to your dreams?
It comes down to what you believe about yourself. Maybe you haven’t had much belief in yourself, or maybe you struggle because no one else seems to believe in you or what you want to accomplish.
I do. You have what it takes, and you know that. Maybe you’ve forgotten, but it’s still there.
Believe you can. That’s the key to starting.
Your Thanksgiving story doesn’t have to wait until you get all the way to your goal. The early settlers gave thanks for just making it another year…knowing they have another tough year ahead. But thankful for what they have and accomplished.
You get to write your own Thanksgiving story, which one is your choice.
Leave a comment below and tell me about yours.