Who We Are
Are you struggling to cope with stress and multiple challenges?
Are you concerned you don’t have the right “paper” on the wall?
Are you stuck and stagnating, feeling stalled in your current position?
Do you feel like you have obsolete or outdated competencies holding you back?
Are you frustrated and want to be your own boss?
Do you second-guess yourself when making critical decisions and no one to turn to for support?
Is connecting with other leaders who could support and guide you of interest to you?
If these questions resonate with you and you desire to excel in your business, career, or personal life, our Mastermind – The Success Grower (TSG) is for you! We coach guys trying to build a business or are stuck in middle management (who may not have the degree) to grow their abilities and competencies so they can be successful in their career or business.
Maybe you started quickly in your career, without a degree, and got ahead because you’re ‘street smart’, but now you’re stuck…stagnated in middle management. Everything you know you learned on the fly not realizing you were building skills. You’re big desire is to finish your career on top and now you need to invest in yourself in order become more valuable in the marketplace.
Or maybe you’ve built a business and had great early success, but now you feel you’ve stagnated – plateaued – and need to find an avenue to kick it up to another level. You desire to grow your business to a point you maybe don’t need to spend so much time, often at the expense of your family.
You know you have to make a decision. The impact will be huge. But who really understands the stress and sleepless nights you go through either trying to make the decision or afterwards when you need to deal with the fallout?
You need somewhere you can talk about your challenges and doubts. A place that’s safe to discuss the serious issues you are facing and find advice for solutions.
That’s where the Success Grower Mastermind group will help.
Why a Mastermind?
In a Mastermind, a group of people regularly convene to help each other address challenges they are facing and get the support they need. With facilitation from a group leader, members offer input, advice, mentor-ship, ideas and encouragement.
Why should I be part of a Mastermind?
You want to be part of the Success Grower Mastermind because:
You have hard choices and decisions to make in order to advance your business or career.
You need help finding the direction, answers or confirmation you are taking correct action.
You want to tap in to the knowledge and expertise of other leaders.
You want to work smarter, find solutions to challenges, grow your business, and get back to focusing on the quality of your work.
You are open to help and guidance from others who have experienced similar situations.
You want to support other business leaders in their situations.
What are the benefits?
Identify a more strategic approach to managing your career, business and teams.
Finding solutions to problems and stress that have plagued you over and over.
Define the growth opportunities you need to invest in to take your business or career to the next level.
Recognize how you can better connect with those you work with to enhance their productivity.
Develop a network of other leaders.
Our commitment.
Business Excellence: Members of TSG will be exposed to opportunities to grow personally and professionally to live their life with purpose and prosperity in order to become more valuable in the marketplace.
Relationships: Members of TSG will will be exposed to relationships that encourage business leaders to grow, share in discussions and book readings, and TSG group activities.
Mentor-ship: Members of TSG will be exposed to business leaders who can guide them and hold them accountable to professional and personal growth.
Our Expectations.
6 month initial commitment to allow the Mastermind program to work in your professional and personal life.
Active participation: weekly TSG group calls, one annual 2-day retreat, committing yourself to give to your TSG group.
Each week 10-12 leaders join a video conference where they come to encourage, support, and lift one another up.
Willingness to grow and be supported if you are stuck in a ditch.
Commitment to be transparent, authentic, and giving.
Willingness to reject pride, fear, and doubt from allowing you to live with purpose and prosper.
How do I Join?
Fill out THIS APPLICATION to apply for the Success Grower Mastermind. You’ll then receive additional details.
I’M ONLY ACCEPTING 10-12 PEOPLE for this Mastermind. These spots will go quickly and if you miss out you’ll be put on a waiting list.
We’re accepting applications now from those who are serious about changing and growing as a business leader.
Fill out the application today.